About Us

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”
– Benjamin Franklin

excel in EXCEL

Education Powered by Dimarcorp Academy

Dimarcorp Academy is an education and consulting company specialising in aged care and disability care based on the Gold Coast.

For almost x years we have been providing a diverse range of education to aged care providers across Australia and are educating thousands of participants each year.

With our “excel in EXCEL” Program we are now able to provide high quality, practical training, and instructor-led courses in Microsoft EXCEL and courses for various other Microsoft Office products to professionals and students across all industries and disciplines.

Dimarcorp Academy is based on the Gold Coast so all of our sessions can be facilitated in-house, for the Gold Coast area, or your team members can join one of our scheduled online webinars. We can customise and develop programs to meet your organisations specific training agenda as well as develop hybrid sessions of any of our training sessions.

We also offer all courses to students at a lower pricing to make sure everyone can afford professional EXCEL training.

Our Proven Training Method

All our courses give participants hand-on training with relatable real-world examples. Our instructors follow a three-step training method to ensure best training outcomes.


Our expert trainers help you develop a theoretical understanding of the software features and functionalities as well as training tasks.


By demonstrating the software features and tasks to the participants, they can see and understand how to perform certain tasks.


Participants combine theory and practice by performing training task by themselves. Our trainers assist as required and answer any open questions. 

Meet the Team

Joseph Dimarco


Joseph Dimarco is the Managing Director of Dimarcorp Group and the primary facilitator of our finance, governance and planning and software seminars.

Joseph is an experienced Accountant and has worked in Senior Executive roles within the Aged Care and Disability Sectors.  He has been part of several large acquisitions within the aged care sector, as well as amalgamations, which as involved restructuring the business, including financial, marketing and human resources aspects.

He has managed and led finance, ICT, marketing, facilities and human resources teams for several large not-for-profit organisations and is passionate about enhancing leadership skills and making a positive cultural shift in the sectors workforce.

Joseph has facilitated training to over 3000 aged care and disability Board Members, Managers and staff.  He is committed to supporting both “for-profit” and “not-for-profit” aged care and disability providers to reach their financial and organisational goals and to ultimately fulfil their mission.

Leigh Gavras

Education Coordinator

Leigh has worked in the service industry for over 20 years, finding her passion for learning and development along the way. She has facilitated training sessions both face-to-face and online modules, with a focus on customer service and in-house compliance training.

​She is a firm believer in the phrase ‘knowledge is power’ which is why she loves to help others achieve their goals through education and support.

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